*Future Lab - Tcl/Tk GPL Software* This package contains the full source code and documentation for all current Future Lab GPL Tcl/Tk (shorted here to /Tcl/) library modules and applications. This version is designated .66-1.36-2008.09.01 which is an alpha package version. The package is an alpha version because it is not complete. This package only contains single user library files along with all the single user applications. The documentation has been updated to reflect the complete current /Tcl/ code base. The remainder of the package is still being constructed. Each application and the *Bbuuzzb* database engine also have their own versions. System Requirements You must have enough disk space for the decompressed contents of this package which is about 2.15MB currently. You also must have /Tcl/ installed. You may either install the developement version of /Tcl/ or the Freewrap runtime kit. The software included in this package was built using /Tcl/ 8.4.9 and 8.5.1 Installing the Package The /Tcl/ package is distributed in compressed format. You will have to decompress the package. To install the package: * create a top level directory, name it as you wish * change directory to the one you just created * copy the package into this directory * decompress the package Package Structure This package contains all the source code and documentation. Files in the package (*7z*, *gzip* and *bzip2* versions for Linux/Unix/MacOS X) are distributed with the owner *root* and group *root*. The file mode bits have been set to allow anyone read/write access. The directory structure of the package is as follows: * gpl.txt - GPL license file * index.html - re-load 'readme' * readme.html - this file * code - source code tree o apps - applications + cupcake - cupcake editor application + cupsched - graphical personal scheduler application o dbeng - *Bbuuzzb* database API code o lib - library code + tk - Tk library code * css - cascading stylesheet (CSS level 1) * docs - documentation tree o apps - C application docs o cpp - C++ GPL documentation + apps - C++ application docs + library - C++ library docs o dbeng - C *Bbuuzzb* database API docs o library - C library docs o script - Unix script docs o socloc - /socloc/ docs o tcl - /Tcl/ docs + apps - /Tcl/ application docs + dbeng - /Tcl/ *Bbuuzzb* database docs + lib - /Tcl/ library docs # tk - docs on library modules that are graphical and use /Tk/ Running the Applications, A Quick Start Before attempting to run any of the /Tcl/ applications, edit each main application source file and *set* the variable *TCLDIR* (which should be the first non-comment line in the program) to point to the directory tree where you have installed the Future Lab /Tcl/ package. Make sure the path you use points to a directory and does not end in a forward slash. Note that the forward slash should always be used as the path separator even in the *Windows* and *Mac* operating systems. Here is a list of all Future Lab /GPL/ applications and their runtime requirements: datagen This application only has a single user form and does not require configuration files. This application can be placed into any directory and may be run from any directory. Refer to the datagen application doc for more information. fxpstres This application only has a single user form and does not require and configuration files. This application can be placed into any directory and may be run from any directory. Refer to the fxpstres application doc for more information. cupcake This editor application requires no configuration files but does write a preferences file in the directory *prefs* in the *TCLDIR* directory tree. Before running this application, you should create this *prefs* directory. Refer to the cupcake application doc for more information. cupcalc This calculator application requires no configuration files. Refer to the cupcalc application doc for more information. dbgen This application is the single user random dtata generator for the *Bbuuzzb* database engine. This application need to be executed in a directory that also contains the *Bbuuzzb* database configuration file. Refer to the dbgen application doc for more information. db This application is the single user command line interpreter for the *Bbuuzzb* database engine. This application need to be executed in a directory that also contains the *Bbuuzzb* database configuration file. Refer to the db application doc for more information. dbstress This application is the single user database stress program. It sends operational command to the *Bbuuzzb* database engine. This application needs to be executed in a directory that also contains the *Bbuuzzb* database configuration file. Refer to the dbstress application doc for more infomrmation. iex This application is the single user *ASCII* import program into the *Bbuuzzb* database engine. This application needs to be executed in a directory that also contains the *Bbuuzzb* database configuration file. Refer to the iex application doc for more information. daymvdel This application requires no configuration files. Refer to the daymvdel application doc for more information. ialive This application does use the single user *Bbuuzzb* database engine and needs to be executed in a directory that also contains the *Bbuuzzb* configuration file. Refer to the ialive application doc for more information. dos2unix This application requires no configuration files. Refer to the dos2unix application doc for more information. sched This application uses the single user *Bbuuzzb* database engine and needs to be executed in a directory that also contains the *Bbuuzzb* configuration file. Refer to the sched application doc for more information. cupsched This application uses the single user *Bbuuzzb* database engine and needs to be executed in a directory that also contains the *Bbuuzzb* configuration file. Refer to the cupsched application doc for more information. Documentation Guide Here is a complete guide to the included package documentation. Note that I have tried to make sure that most links function properly. You will find that all links that refer to the Future Lab /GPL/ software function normally. Links that refer to other parts of the Future Lab web site may not function properly from this readme file. In that case, please refer to the actual Future Lab web site. * Software change log * Tcl software overview * Tcl library overview * Tcl database and API's * Tcl applications * Running the Tcl applications * Tcl source directory structure * C software overview * C++ software overview * C Bbuuzzb database engine and API guide * C Socloc overview * C Socloc API guide * C library guide * Unix script guide Goto Top <#top> | Contact Author | Future Lab Web Site | Feedback ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright © 2005-2008 Future Lab, Last Updated Sep 01, 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------