Database Configuration

The Future Lab database engine (Bbuuzzb) contains the following configuration modules:

The database configuration values are read from the ASCII file DBENG_CONFIG_FILE defined in the header file dbengcfg.h. Each configuration value must appear on a separate line starting with the configuration keyword followed by at least one space and then the specific value. The configuration option keywords are not case sensitive.

When specifying a directory path, do not use relative paths, absolute paths must be given.

If a configuration option is not given in the configuration file, the default value for that option listed in the header file dbengcfg.h (based on the specific platform) will be loaded.

The configuration ASCII file is not loaded or used in client/server client applications.

Configuration Options


This configuration option directs the database engine to create temporary files in a specific directory. The temporary path must resolve to a directory. The database temporary files must be placed in their own directory. Do not point tmp_path to a directory used by other database files.


This option consists of the database log file name. All engine messages will be sent to this log file. This log file may be a separate file or sys_log to indicate the system log server.


This option must contain the path and file name of the database server session table. A fatal error will occur if the session table cannot be opened or created. The session table is used only by the database server and it will be created if it does not already exist.


This option must contain the path and file name of the engine catalog. A fatal error will occur if the catalog cannot be opened. The catalog must already exist and will not be created by the server. In single user mode, the catalog is optional.

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