Date/Time API Library Module

The date/time API library module has the file name datime.c. This module manipulates and converts dates and times.

Here is a list of functions in the date/time API library module:

Module Dependencies

The following modules are required along with this module:

Module Header Files

This module requires the header file:

Module Functions


Prototype  : int datime_month_name_2_num(char *mname)
Parameters :
      Name : mname
Description: month name

Returns    : month number upon success, zero otherwise

This function will convert a month name to a month number. Only the first three characters of the month name are compared so you may use the long or short month names. January is considered month one.


Prototype  : int datime_month_num_2_name(int mnum, char *mname)
Parameters :
      Name : mnum
Description: month number (jan=1)

      Name : mname
Description: output month name

Returns    : TRUE upon success, FALSE otherwise

This function will translate a month number to the short month name. The output month name must already be allocated to sufficient size by the caller.


Prototype   : void get_time(char *buf)
Parameters  :
      Name  : buf
Description : returned date/time string

This function will format and place a date/time string into the returned date/time string. The format of the string will be a series of digits in the form:


The string uses no delimiters and can therefore be considered fixed length. The returned date/time string must already be allocated by the caller to at least 15 bytes in length.


Prototype  : int datime_hour12_2_hour24(char *itime, char *otime, int s_flag)
Parameters :
      Name : itime
Description: input time

      Name : otime
Description: output time

      Name : s_flag
Description: separator flag

Returns    : TRUE upon success, FALSE otherwise

This function will convert a time string expressed in 12 hour format to a time string expressed in 24 format. The input time may be in any of the following formats:

Where p and pm are the same, a and am are also the same. A trailing m indicates midnight and a trailing n indicates noon. When a trailing m or n is used, the time is assumed to be 12:00 regardless of any other hour/minute value. Spaces may or may not be present after the time and before the am or pm designator. The colon separator is required in the input time string. The separator flag is used to indicate whether the output time should have a colon separator. The minute and seconds fields are completely optional. The output time always contains two digits each for the hour, minute and optional seconds. The hour and minute are always present in the output time. Seconds are only present in the output time if present in the input time. Function returns the converted time loaded into the output time (which must already be allocated by the caller) upon success.


Prototype  : static int datime_get_ampm(char *wrd, char *ap)
Parameters :
      Name : wrd
Description: time string

      Name : ap
Description: output designator

Returns    : TRUE upon success, FALSE otherwise

This private function will get the am, pm designator in the time string. If found, the designator will be removed from the time string and a single character will be loaded into the output designator. Acceptable designators in the time string are a, am, p, pm, n and m.


Prototype   : void get_ftime(char *tbuf)
Parameters  :
      Name  : tbuf
Description : returned date/time string

This function will format and return the current time string. Returned format is:

   yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss

Buffer tbuf must already be allocated by the caller to a minimum size of 20 bytes.


Prototype   : int run_year(void)

Returns     : run year upon success, zero otherwise

This function will get the year of program run via the get_time function.


Prototype  : int days_in_month(int year, int month)
Parameters :
      Name : year
Description: full year (with century)

      Name : month
Description: month number (jan=1)

Returns    : number of days in month upon success, zero otherwise

This function will determine the number of days in a month taking into account leap years.


Prototype  : int isleap(int year)
Parameters :
      Name : year
Description: full year (with century)

Returns    : TRUE upon a leap year, FALSE otherwise

This function will determine whether the full year is a leap year.


Prototype  : int juldate(char *dte, int *julout)
Parameters :
      Name : dte
Description: input date (in the form yyyymmdd)

      Name : julout
Description: output Julian number

Returns    : TRUE upon success, FALSE otherwise

This function will convert the input date to a Julian value using DATIME_JUL_BASE (defined in this module) as the base year. Upon success the Julian number will be loaded into the output Julian number.


Prototype  : int datdif(char *d1, char *d2, int *difout)
Parameters :
      Name : d1
Description: input date 1 (in the form yyyymmdd)

      Name : d2
Description: input date 2 (in the form yyyymmdd)

      Name : difout
Description: output date difference

Returns    : TRUE upon success, FALSE otherwise

This function will calculate the number of days difference between two dates. The input date 1 is assumed to be the later of the two dates. Upon success the number of days difference will be loaded into the output date difference.

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